Site for Defined Contribution Pension Plan Starter Kit

This site is designed to electronically distrbiute a digital version of all documents related to the opening of a new Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Plan account.
Please use the following links to learn more about your DC Plan.


Starter Kit

After enrolling in a DC Plan, you can download and review materials such as the Starter Kit and other guidebooks.
Information related to the products provided in your plan are available through AnswerNet. Please see below.

Starter Kit Contents

Starting a Defined Contribution Pension Plan(PDF)

Defined Contribution Pension Plan and Procedures

Defined Contribution Pension Plan(Corporate Type)Procedures Guidebook -Explanation of plan contents and procedures- (PDF)

Basics of Asset Management

Welcome to the World of Investing!(PDF)

How to Decide Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation Worksheet(PDF)

Information About Investment Products

How to access available information on the AnswerNet(PDF)

Application Through Your Company

Employee Matching Contribution Guidebook(PDF)

Application on the AnswerNet, etc.

Employee Matching Contribution Guidebook ( A Guide to Wide Support )(PDF)

Please click here to login to AnswerNet

Transfering assets from a previous pension plan (i.e. DC pension plan at previous employer, iDeCo, etc.)

With a Defined Contribution Plan, you are able transfer assets from previous pension plans.
You are able to transfer assets from a previous DC plan by following the rollover procedure. (optional) For more details about the rollover procedure, please refer to To Former Participants of Other Pension Plans ~Asset Rollover Procedures~(PDF)

Please download and use the documents required for the rollover procedure from the following

Transfering Assets from a Defined Contribution Pension Plan (Corporate-type, iDeco,Automatic Rollover)

"Request to Rollover DC Asset Balance to New Corporate DC Plan"(PDF)

*Procedure will start after opening an account.


Losing participant eligibility for iDeco ( Stopping iDeco Contributions)

Notification of Loss of Participant Eligibility(PDF)

*Please print on both sides.


Certificate of Loss of Participant Eligibility for Individual-type DC Pension Plan (PDF)

*Please only submit this form if you joined the Corporate-type DC on or before 30 September 2022 (see above, Reason for loss of eligibility 13 of “K-015 Notification of Loss of Participant Eligibility”)

*Please request your employer to fill in this form


Address Label for Sending Standard-sized Envelope

Address Label(PDF)

If you were previously enrolled in a Defined Benefit Pension Plan (DB) or Employee's Pension Fund (EPF), please submit the following.

Transferring Assets from a Defined Benefit Pension Plan or Employees' Pension Fund

Request From to Transfer Assets from Employees' Pension Fund or Defined Benefit Pension Plan(PDF)
